کتاب یا ناول کو ڈاؤن لوڈ کرنے کے لیےپوسٹ کے آخر میں سامپل صفحات کے نیچے کسی بھی ڈاؤن لوڈ بٹن پر کلک کریں۔
How to download a book from Kutubistan
8/26/2024 06:00:00 PM Basit Khan

Jihad-o-Qital Aur Khilafat Pdf Urdu Book Free download

Jihad-O-Qital Aur Khilaf is an Urdu Islamic book. This book is written by Abu Asad Ullah. This book is all about the importance of Jihad and the Islamic Caliphate. You can download this book from the end of this page for free.According to the Author, Jihad o Qital in the path of Allah SWT has been a forgotten obligation for centuries, the actual objective of Jihad is to continue conquering new lands and enforce the Shariah of Islam. There has been abandoned and forgotten for centuries. We Muslims have left Jihad and because of this, Allah SWT has imposed humiliation on us, due to leaving Jiha
9/30/2023 05:36:00 PM Basit Khan

Dunya Ke Baray Jasoos Scandals Pdf Urdu Book Free Download

"Dunya Ke Baray Jasoos Scandals Madhuri Gupta Se Le Kar Kalbhushan Jadav Tak" is the complete title name of this Urdu book. This book is authored by Ashok Kumar, an Indian writer. Ashok Kumar has narrated the stories of different scandals of secret services. He has also written about a prime minister who was a spy in fact. Dunya Ke Baray Jasoos Scandals is a book that contains very interesting stories of espionage. This book keeps the reader reading the book till the last page. Ashok Kumar has also written the story of Madhuri Gupta and Kalbhushan Jadav who were working in Pakistan for t
9/28/2023 03:40:00 PM Basit Khan

Musalman Ummato Ka Mazi Haal Aur Mustaqbil by Urdu Book Download

"Sabiqa Aur Mojoda Musalman Ummato Ka Mazi Haal Aur Mustaqbil Aur Musalmanan-e-Pakistan Ki Khususi Zimmadari" is the complete title name of this Urdu book which means "The Past, Present, and Future of the present and previous Muslim Ummah and the special responsibilities of Pakistani Muslims". This Urdu book is written by Dr. Israr Ahmed who is well known Islamic scholar and his speeches are still present on Youtube. This book is actually a combination of Dr. Israr Ahmed's speeches. Dr. Israr Ahmed has described the situation of Muslims. He has divided the 1400-year journey of Muslims in
9/27/2023 05:09:00 PM Basit Khan

Islam Ka Mustaqbil by Dr. Israr Ahmed Pdf Urdu Book Free Download

"Mojoda Alami Halat Ke Pas-e-Manzar Mein Islam Ka Mustaqbil" is the complete title name of this Urdu book. This book is authored by Dr. Israr Ahmed. The Prologue of the book is written by Syed Qasim Mehmood. The title name of the book means "The Future of Islam in the Situations of global current affairs".The author Dr. Israr Ahmed is a famous Islamic scholar from Pakistan. He has also delivered his Islamic speeches on the Peace TV platform. He was not only an Islamic scholar but was also a doctor and Islamic researcher. He was best known for his Islamic speeches on the current global politic
9/26/2023 03:19:00 PM Basit Khan

Ishq Zair Ishq Zabar by Sarwar Shaaz Pdf Novel Free Download

Ishq Zer Ishq Zabar is a romantic Urdu novel available here for free download in Pdf file. Sarwar Shaaz has authored this beautiful romantic Urdu novel. This is a fictional Urdu story about love and romance, Mr. Sarwar Shaaz has written this story as a first-person narrator.The story teller Sarwar Shaaz begins the story from his village. He has written about the village and the story teller narrates about his childhood. This story is around 140 pages long Urdu story which is neither too long nor too short story. The Pdf quality is not too good but still readable. If you want to read the
9/25/2023 04:15:00 PM Basit Khan

Sultan Jalal Uddin Khwarazm Shah Aur Tatari Yalghar Pdf Download

"Sher-e-Khwarazm Sultan Jalal Uddin Khwarazm Shah Aur Tatari Yalghar" is the complete title name of this Urdu book. This book is available here in Pdf format for free download. The title name means, the lion of Khwarazm Sultan Jalal Uddin Khwarazm Shah and the Tatari Invasion. This Urdu book is all about the Jalal Uddin Khwarazm Shah and his struggle against the Tataris. Sultan Jalal Uddin who is also known as Sultan Shah was a great Muslim warrior who defended his land against the Tatari Invasion. However, he has also fought wars against his elder brother Sultan Alao Uddin Khwarazm. There we
9/22/2023 08:09:00 PM Basit Khan

Qoo Anfusakum Wa Ahleekum Nara Pdf Urdu Book Free Download

Qoo Anfusakum Wa Ahleekum Nara is the title name of this Urdu book. The title name is actually a part of the verse of the holy Quran which means "Save yourself and your family from the Hell Fire". This book is available here for free download. This Urdu book is authored by Mr. Furqan Uddin Ahmed who is not an Islamic scholar. According to the writer, he started his journey as a confused Muslim like others wandering between different firqas, sects, school of thoughts, prevailing contradicting Fatwas on different current dire issues of the Ummah and then finally decided to fall back to the basi
9/21/2023 11:32:00 PM Basit Khan

Qurani Taqreerein Pdf Urdu book Free Download

Qurani Taqreerein is an Urdu Islamic book, available here in PDF format. Sheikh ul Hadith Allama Abdul Mustafa Azami has authored this book. Abdul Mustafa Azami is a Pakistani Muslim scholar and cleric. He belongs to the Barelvi school of thought. According to the writer Maulana Abdul Mustafa, he received a lot of requests from the public and his listeners to compile his speeches into a book, and thus he decided to compile his speeches into this book and named it "Qur'ani Taqreerein" (Quranic Speeches.)Allama Abdul Mustafa has written on different topics of Islam. He also narrated the sp
9/21/2023 04:41:00 PM Basit Khan

Bilal Ibne Rabah by Dr. Muhammad Abdur Rauf Urdu Book Download

Bilal Ibne Rabah is another Pdf Urdu book about Hazrat Bilal R.A on Kutubistan for free download. This book was written by Dr. Abdur Rauf and translated into the Urdu language by Zahid Niaz Khwaja. Previously we had served Bilal Sahib by Shakeel Chohan but this one is authored by foreign writer Dr. Abdur Rauf. As the title discloses, this book is all about the famous companion of Prophet Muhammad (Sallallaho Alaihe Wa Alihi Wa Sallam) Hazrat Bilal R.A. The author has actually tributes to the faith and love of Hazrat Bilal with the Prophet Mohammad S.A.W. He has written the biography and
9/19/2023 11:53:00 PM Basit Khan

3 Qaumi Nazriya Drama by Amjad Ali Raja Pdf Free Download

Three nations theory or 3 Qaumi Nazriya is a fictional drama written by Mr. Amjad Ali Raja. This drama is in the Urdu language and in Pdf book form. The author Mr. Amjad Ali is one of the modern dramatists and poets of Urdu and Hindko Languages. In his writings, he not only describes social problems but also offers practical solutions. He considers it his duty as a writer to educate society morally in an entertaining and critical manner, and this aspect is the real spirit of his plays and other writings.His famous drama "Three National Theory" not only offers a solution to solve the Kashmir i
2/26/2023 05:45:00 PM Basit Khan

Tareekh-e-Islam Ahd-e-Jahiliyat Se Ahd-e-Nabawi Tak Book Download

Download Tareekh-e-Islam Ahde-Jahiliyat Se Ahde Nabawi Tak in Pdf for free. This Urdu book is written by Mr. Muhammad Yaseen Mazhar Siddiqui, an intellectual and Muslim Professor from Pakistan. The contents of this Urdu book evolve around Islamic History, Islamic culture and Islamic civilization. The title name reveals that this Urdu book is all about the history of Islam but there is only the history of Arabs in Mecca and Madina before and After Islam.Tareekh-e-Islam Ahde Jahiliat Se Ahde Nabawi Tak(The history of Islam from the dark era to era of Prophet Mohammad PBUH.) is a must-read Urdu
1/27/2023 07:26:00 PM Basit Khan

Iqtidar Ki Majbooriyan Mirza Aslam Baig's Bio Pdf Book Free Download

Iqtidar Ki Majbooriyan is an Urdu book written by Col Ashfaq Hussain. Iqtidar Ki Majbooriyan is this book's title name, which means constraints or limitation of power (Here the Urdu term Iqtidar means political power rather than military power). The writer claims that this book is a Biography of Mirza Aslam Baig who is formal Chief of Army Staff of the Pakistan Army. He claims that he has met with Mirza Aslam Baig many times and debated with him in detail.The writer dedicates this book to the martyrs of the Pakistan Army. Col. Ashfaq Hussain has covered many events that happened in the tenure
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