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How to download a book from Kutubistan
3/01/2014 05:09:00 PM Basit Khan

Koi Lamha Gulab Ho Novel by Nighat Abdullah Download

Koi Lamha Gulab Ho Novel
Free download or read online Pdf Urdu novel "Koi Lamha Gulab Ho" and enjoy another long love story in Urdu language. This Urdu novel Koi Lamha Gulab Ho is authored by Ms. Nighat Abdullah who is a well known Urduwriter, screenwriter, drama script writer, short and long stories writer and a popular Urdu novelist from Pakistan. She is the author of various popular Urdu novels. She has also written many dramas for Television screens. Nighat Abdullah's mostly novels are dramatized including this novel Koi Lamha Gulab Ho, which was telecast by Hum TV and people have appreciated the drama. Koi Lamha Gulab Ho is an Urdu romantic plus social novel in Urdu language. This Urdu novel is a story close to romance and related to the Pakistani society. This is a long Urdu novel. Koi Lamha Gulab Ho is here in Pdf format and as long as 840 pages. You can free download or read online Koi Lahma Gulab Ho from the blinking buttons after the sample pages below. 
                                        Brief Information of the book  
Book Name:Koi Lamha Gulab Ho
Writer:Nighat Abdullah
Size:8.94 MB

Sample Pages of the Urdu Romantic Novel "Koi Lamha Gulab Ho" by Nighat Abdullah

Sample Page of the Urdu novel Koi Lamha Gulab Ho

Sample page 2 of Koi Lamha Gulab Ho by Nighat Abdullah
Download or read on-line the complete book from below

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+ blogger + 2 blogger

September 15, 2021 at 4:27 PM

Very good novel but how can we download it

September 28, 2021 at 4:57 PM

click on download button a page will be open then click download button from there and download will be started

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