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11/14/2014 02:44:00 PM Basit Khan

Hasheshain The Urdu Version of The Assassins Pdf free Download

Hasheshain Pdf Urdu Book
Free download or read online another Interesting Urdu novel "Hasheshains" and enjoy a very worth reading story in your own Urdu language. "Hasheshain" is the title name of this Urdu book which is the Urdu version of Sir Henry Sharp's famous novel "The Assassins". The credit of this book goes to Ms. Fatma Baigum who worked hard and translated the book into Urdu language.

Hasheshain Urdu novels is may be about Hassan Bin Sabah who was a satanic person and a devil. Hassan Bin Sabah group is called as the Assassins by western Historians because the Assassins were involved to attack the famous Muslims warriors. Hassan Bin Sabah and his group is called as Khawarij in the Hisory of Islam because they were not belonging to Islam and the teaching of Islam. The Assassins also tried to assassinate the famous Muslim warrior Salah Ud Din Ayubi but he was survived. The assassins were unbelievably loyal to his leader Hassan Bin Sabah who also made a heaven for his assassins.

Sir Henry Sharp who is a western author, has written about this Fitna e.g Hassan Bin Sabah like a fiction. His book The Assassins went viral after its publishing. Another Urdu novel Firdous-e-Iblees is also written about this fitna which is a long Urdu novel and contained on 14 pages.

Hasheshain Pdf Urdu book is here in Pdf format and for those people who can read and understand Urdu language. Hashishain Urdu Novel is as long as 224 pages with the disk size of 4.55 MB. To download or read online this book then please scroll down to the blinking buttons below after the sample pages.
                                        Brief Information of the book  
Book Name:Hasheshain
Writer:Sir Henry Sharp
Size:4.55 MB

Contents/Sample Pages of the Urdu book "Hasheshain" by Sir Henry Sharp

Contents of the Urdu book Hasheshain pdf

Contents of the Urdu book Hasheshain Pdf

Sample page of the Urdu book Hasheshain pdf
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+ blogger + 6 blogger

May 19, 2016 at 12:25 PM

salam.janab bast saib. [lz aghar ho saky tu kutab DASTAN IMAN FAROSU KE or DASTAN SARFIRSHU upload kary plz

May 19, 2016 at 5:24 PM

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June 26, 2016 at 1:59 AM

Sir, prof. Ali Hasan Muzaffar ki kitabain download karain, please Sir, specially "Mulla ya islam"

December 19, 2018 at 5:37 PM

Assalam o Alaikum
Hikayat mahnama main matti ka khail
Bhagoora tha ye 2 books chaheay. Bachpan say in ke talash kar raha hon. Maira contact number 03056401751
E mail I'd
Hai..... kindly mujhay inform kar dain

August 14, 2019 at 5:22 PM

Great services.... jazzak ALLAH

June 5, 2021 at 11:49 PM

I need hard copy of the book

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